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Florida is more than just the sunshine state and beautiful beaches! Florida is where you can buy land and acquire a Prime Real Estate Asset!
Almost everyone has been affected by the economy crisis in one way or another. Florida land is no different. What was once at premium value has dropped over 50% due to the collapsing economy. As the housing market fell, land values dropped also, leaving banks with unfinished housing developments, large commercial shopping malls, and strip centers. Many commercial lands became completely unfinished.
As a result of this unfortunate decline in Florida land values, most subprime hard and private investors will not invest their money on Florida land. That’s where we come in to save the day… Or Land! At AHL, we have hard money affiliates who can help you get you cash for your Florida commercial land. Banks are overwhelmed with defaulted mortgages and when you add in all the Florida land development lost. Well, banks simply don’t want to assume the high risk, but our investors are willing to take that risk and give you the loan you need for Florida land.
Our investors are willing to review land loans properties in Florida for: a horse farm, farm land, FLA farm land with 50 acres or more, nursery with 5 or more acres, or golf course. They are also interested in waterfront property in Florida, manufactured homes with 5 acres or more, rural land with 20 acres or more (even with an owner occupied home on location), or a Florida luxury jumbo home with land hard money. Our investors will even review prime commercial real estate in Orlando, Tampa, Miami-Dade, and Fort Lauderdale areas, Florida car lots or car dealerships with acreage, and unfinished commercial land developments.
At AHL our Hard Money Affiliates are ready to review your property and customize a specialized land program to meet your needs. All you need is the right land request. Preferably, our investors look for free and clear commercial and waterfront land but as long as your land falls within any of the credentials listed above then we can help you get that Florida Land Loan.
Our representatives are ready to assist you with your AHL hard Money Loan today!