Getting a hard money loan approved isn’t nearly as challenging as getting one from traditional money lenders like banks and credit unions. That said, there are still a few things you want to try to ensure you get the loan you need. At AHL Hard Money Network, we believe you can boost your chances of […]
Hard money loans are the way to go if you don’t qualify for one from a bank or credit union. Private lenders, or hard money lenders, offer an alternative means for people to get the loans they need to finance their real estate dreams. At AHL Hard Money Network, we understand that conventional loans aren’t […]
Paying off your home mortgage is a time to celebrate! Then comes a time when you want to access that equity for some other purpose. You may want to pay off another loan, clear IRS liens, make renovations, or add more space to your home. When you go to the bank for a home equity […]
You may have worked hard to pay off the mortgage on your home over many years. Now you need some cash to do renovations or pay off other debt and the banks turn you down. If you are self-employed or have less than perfect credit conventional banks will often not provide you a loan. Is […]
If you have a free and clear home, townhome, condo, or vacation home with no mortgage, AHL Hard Money Network can help you get money from the accumulated equity with a home refinance. Conventional bank refinancing may not be available to people who:
You have a paid-off home here in Florida and you want to access the equity, but you have bad or no credit. The banks and conventional lenders turn you away because you can’t meet their strict underwriting guidelines. Is there anything you can do?
You spend many years paying off the mortgage on your home and in the process you are building a great deal of equity. If you have poor credit this equity may not be available to you from conventional lenders with strict underwriting guidelines. This is not an issue when you deal with AHL Hard Money […]
You spent years paying off your home mortgage, and now you want to use some of that equity for home improvements, to buy a vacation property, or pay off taxes. But, you have less than perfect credit or a previous foreclosure or bankruptcy on your credit report. The conventional banks turn you down — what […]
Many homeowners looking to refinance their homes are getting turned down by conventional banks. Their strict underwriting rules make it very difficult for self-employed, lower credit, or owners with previous foreclosures. AHL Hard Money Network offers you an alternative by providing loans that don’t rely on your credit rating or employment status. We offer loans […]
AHL Hard Money Network is your Florida specialist for jumbo hard money loans from $250K to $10M. If you have been turned down by the banks and run out of other financing sources, hard money loans can be a great option. We service loans in Tampa, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Boca Raton, Coral Gables, West […]
We do not issue approvals. We are a marketing and lead portal. You will be contacted directly by our private investors. They will call you directly to determine the value and equity in your home and to help you throughout the approval process. Each inquiry is on a case by case basis. Thank you.