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Pull Equity From Your Paid-Off Home


If you have spent years paying off your home, there may come a time when you would like to access that accumulated equity. You may wish to purchase a second home, make renovations, pay off debts, or any other use that your equity could provide. However, you may have less than ideal credit or a previous foreclosure or bankruptcy that would make you ineligible for a conventional bank loan. AHL Hard Money Network can help you get that needed equity with a hard money equity loan.

The reason we can help you is that our investors secure their loan with the equity in your home and don’t focus on your credit rating or other conventional underwriting rules. We are far less conservative than the banks and can work with homeowners having a wide range of credit or financial issues. We can also help self-employed homeowners whose income may vary which will make banks uninterested in your business.

AHL Hard Money Network investors are always looking for homeowner equity loan opportunities. Most of our equity loans are for 10 years or less, but discuss your needs with us as our investors are always ready to listen. Our investor network is extensive and has a wide range of investment interests to suit your needs.

Another advantage of dealing with us that you will receive very fast approval for your loan and will get your money in days rather than weeks from a bank. Our investors will normally offer you up to 55% of the accumulated equity in your property, or we can finance a new property purchase if you can put 35% or more as a downpayment.

Don’t let the accumulated equity in your home sit there when you need it. Come to AHL Hard Money Network, get your money quickly, and put it to use however you wish. Contact us at 813-368-9919 by phone or text for more information.

Free Consultation

To get started, CALL or TEXT 813-368-9919

or fill out this online form with your information. One of our team members will contact you shortly!
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What We Offer

Hard Money Network is provided by investors who offer equity loans for free and clear properties in Florida. We at AHL Hard Money Network are a lead and marketing company that connects borrowers with hard and private money investors and we provide educational resources on hard money for potential borrowers.

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We do not issue approvals. We are a marketing and lead portal. You will be contacted directly by our private investors. They will call you directly to determine the value and equity in your home and to help you throughout the approval process. Each inquiry is on a case by case basis. Thank you.

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